Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Boy Names...

Now that I know I'm having a boy, I've got to think up some boy names. The key for me is to find some boy names that aren't really common but not too far out there either. It's not as easy for me as picking out girl names...

Here are some boy names I've thought of so far:

Cameron Martin
Cameron Christopher
Lucas Christopher*
Cameron Andrew*

* means hubby likes it too!

I'll be updating names as they are thought of...

UPDATE-1/21: Looks like Cameron Andrew is in the lead so far!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Pictures coming tomorrow!!

Found out today at my ultrasound I'm having a boy!! That, like this pregnancy itself, was another surprise because I thought in my "woman's intuition" that I was having a girl. The ultrasound technician even guessed at my 13 week exam that it might be a girl because of what she saw on the underside. Guess my little guy's "parts" didn't make themselves known until after that! I saw my husband's face when they said "boy" and it was like he won the Lotto-it lit right up into a big smile; I'll never forget it. He was convinced we were having a girl too, but really wanted a boy, secretly. You know a lot of guys how they want their boy LOL...

Now that I know what it is, it really does feel strange to say my son, and "he" when I refer to the baby. Seems like I tend to automatically say "the baby" or "it" when I refer to it. There I go again.

I'm really glad that I found out the gender before I gave birth--I wouldn't have been prepared if I didn't. I was so ready to have a girl because I convinced myself so good, and when I thought of the baby after it was born I'd automatically picture it being a girl. I didn't have any boy names except for two picked out compared to the huge list of girls names I had too. I wouldn't have wanted the baby to go unnamed either after it was born too.

I'm a little sad though, that this is my last ultrasound until I give birth unless there is something wrong. Of course I don't want anything to be wrong to have to have another u/s, but I'll miss seeing the baby. At least I know inside that if anything was to go wrong, that I'd probably know by now. That's giving me a lot of peace of mind.

BTW, I took the penny test 3 weeks ago and it said boy, along with all the other old wives tales and the Chinese charts. Me being a natural skeptic, I thought they were all phooey. My penny is still stuck to the wall.

PS-My ultrasound technician said that the Intelligender test (urine test to determine gender) only has an 80% rate of correctness. She asked me if I took one, and said A LOT of the girls who come into the office come expecting their Intelligender result and find out just the opposite--some food for thought, especially considering that test is twice the price of an ultrasound copay.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pick of the Week: Crossword Puzzle Cards from MyGrandpasPen

Never underestimate the power of a funny idea. That “funny idea” may just turn into something great. That’s how the idea came about for this week’s Pick of the Week.

Etsy seller MyGrandpasPen’s Crossword Christmas and Birthday Cards are this week’s Pick of the Week. Jeanine (AKA MyGrandpasPen) said that the inspiration for the cards was that “funny” idea that ended up growing and growing.

“It was one of those funny ideas that popped into my head and evolved from there,” she said.

The Crossword Christmas and Birthday Cards feature a recycled crossword puzzle as their main attraction, along with a collage of differently-styled and well-coordinated graphics in their greeting. Stamped designs adorn the squares within the puzzle, as well--Christmas tree and present designs for the holiday cards and a birthday cake design for the birthday cards.

The crossword puzzles that are on the cards are the real deal, too. Jeanine said they come from her very own puzzle books.

“I love crossword puzzles and you would think I would finish all the puzzles in a book, but I usually don’t,” she said. “The puzzles are recycled from puzzle books I own. I have some puzzle scrapbook paper too, but it just doesn’t feel the same,”

The cards have blank insides for custom messages, and are available at MyGrandpasPen’s Etsy shop at http://mygrandpaspen.etsy.com. The Crossword Christmas Cards ship in a set of six cards (custom amounts are also available).

MyGrandpasPen AKA, Jeanine, hails from Calgary in Alberta, Canada, and has been selling on Etsy since June of 2008. Her Etsy moniker and shop name came from childhood memories of her grandfather.

“My Grandpa would always give us a pen at Christmas, and that along with all the other craft supplies that were around really inspired me to create and play with my imagination,” Jeanine said.

She also has an Artfire studio (http://mygrandpaspen.artfire.com), and said she loves crafting because she loves the process of creating. Her favorite kinds of crafts are scrapbooking and sewing.

“I really enjoy the process,” she said. “I was an engineer (electrical\computer engineering), so it’s great to do something completely different,”

Her 13-year-old daughter Taylor is also a big influence on her crafting.

“She is such a help—if I tell her an idea, she’ll give me so many different ways to take it even further,” Jeanine said.

MyGrandpasPen’s future plans include taking her love of scrapbooking even further. She would like to start designing her own embellishments with her die cutting machine, among other ideas that are “on the back burner just waiting for the right day to try them.”

Crossword Christmas Cards: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16934910

Crossword Happy Birthday Card:

MyGrandpasPen’s Etsy Shop:

Coming Soon: Pick of the Week Etsy feature!

Beginning this week, I'm starting a weekly feature that will spotlight a unique item that everyone just has to see from an Etsy seller! It will be called "Pick of the Week," and is a spotlight of not only that particular item, but the seller themselves. As a fellow Etsy seller myself, I know that being seen out of the millions of people on Etsy can be hard and I know I've always appreciated help on promoting from other Etsy sellers when they've extended that opportunity to me.

I'll also be promoting this feature on the Etsy forums and other craft websites (so far I'm thinking Cut Out and Keep, and any national or international site with promotion boards--other ideas on where I can submit are ALWAYS appreciated!). I really want to get this out there to as many people as I can because these items deserve to be seen!

This week's feature will feature Holiday and Birthday Crossword Puzzle cards from Etsy seller MyGrandpasPen (http://mygrandpaspen.etsy.com).

If YOU would like to be featured, give me a holler!

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Ultimate Craft Project: Week 17

Technically, I'm on the last day of week 16, but I'll count this as week 17 because that's where I'll be by the time people read this LOL.

The big news this week is that I'm getting bigger. MUCH, MUCH bigger! I've gained about 11 lbs so far, which I guess isn't too bad (better not be, I'm watching my weight like a hawk!), but my stomach is really sticking out there. It's huger than it was when I was 97 lbs heavier! Never would I have thought this about getting bigger, but it's actually kind of cute to see how my new belly has a curve to the protrusion. The belly also helps me keep my mind at ease too to let me know there's still something in there! My last ultrasound was about 4 weeks ago, but everything should be OK because I went to the doctor one week ago and we heard a good, strong heartbeat.

I find out the gender of the baby at my next ultrasound on December 4th. At least Thanksgiving and the holidays are helping the time pass faster because I'm getting on the impatient side! I really want to know what the baby is. I was actually tempted to buy this test called Intelligender--I spent WAY too much time on the pregnancy boards at the time so don't blame me for the hysteria lol. This is a pee test thats basically the same as a regular pregnancy test only it tells you if you're having a boy or a girl. You can get it over the counter at Target or any of the drug stores. The problem is, the test is $40! That's twice my copay for an ultrasound!! I don't know if I want to spend all that money because I just can't wait a second. Don't worry, I won't be doing that now that I've got Christmas shopping to think about!

Posted are some 13 week pics of the baby!

Black Friday sale in my shop!!

On Black Friday weekend (Nov. 27-30), I will be offering a free tree ornament from my upcoming X-Mas Goodies ornament collection with any purchase. The ornament's shipping is also free! Please specify your choice in the "message to seller" box at checkout. Don't miss out on this chance to sweeten up your X-Mas tree!

Anyone have theirs up yet or will be putting thiers up soon? I'll probably start working on it next weekend. Christmas trees are nice to put up on the early side because they're so pretty and you can only have them up for a couple months out of the year.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Ultimate Craft Project!

I crafted up a baby! I'm 11 weeks pregnant today. OK, ignore that post I made back in July about being all weepy cause I got a negative test. Actually, look at that post again--because that day that I got the negative result was actually the first week I was pregnant according to my due date. I ovulated two weeks later and success! Back then I thought it was going to take way longer to get pregnant because I just got off birth control the previous month and I heard it can take a while to get off the pill entirely. Apparently, I underestimated how efficient my body is! Turns out the egg fertilized around the second week of August--so I was barely off the pill for a little over a month when it happened. Boy am I surprised! Surprised, but very happy at the same time! I even took 11 home tests over the next few weeks to confirm in addition to the blood test and the doctor's tests, because I just couldn't believe it.

But the tiredness is killing me, though! It's getting harder and harder to work on craft projects because I'm always falling asleep at night. And it's not just at night that I'm tired--I'm dead tired all day. Seeing as how I'm almost done with the first trimester, hopefully this will go away soon. It's such a pain! I barely have the energy to photograph and list for my shop in the same day--and that's just for one item. Ugh..not only that but by now I've gained around 5 lbs despite all the exercise and staying away from fast food that I've been doing..but at least not too much morning sickness!!

Will post first ultrasound pictures (9 weeks) soon!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just Listed! Choco Donut Earrings

Just listed in my Etsy shop; tasty chocolate-frosted donut earrings! Makes me SO want the real thing! I decided to make these because I just really wanted a pair of earrings with minature donuts. I really like how they bob and move really freely--wonder if thats because of the O-shape...Anyhow, I'll also be making and offering more kinds of donut earrings-a plain one (w no frosting, as my salute to Krispy Kreme--RIP Krispy Kreme around here), one with just the chocolate ring, and some "creme-filled" ones. I'm no stranger to donut-making; I made a huge body pillow for me in the shape of a creme-filled donut. My cat also has laid claim to it, see below.. He won't let it go either!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just Listed; TV Dinner Earrings

New listing in my Etsy shop!

I was really excited to list these; well, not that I'm not excited to list my other stuff, but these were somehow different. I'm just learning how to work with polymer clay and thought, "what don't I see that I would like to see in the world of fake food", and I thought of TV dinners. I've always liked how they come all compartmentalized in that little tray and how they always seem to taste like plastic. Plus, I have this really cool TV dinner notepad at work that I write some of my memos on. I sat down with a scrap of paper and a pen and sketched out how the earrings were going to look. I molded the clay from there, punched a hole for attaching and baked em. I was kind of surprised at how easy it was to cook compared to flour/salt dough that I've used before. I also learned one thing from making the originals (everything in my shop is made new upon ordering) that Sculpey III sucks! Way too brittle...I had to remake these a couple times because of that. Still fun though!

A Bit Disappointed...

I've been feeling shaky and dizzy when I do certain things lately like driving and even exercising, so I told my family about it and they're all like "You're probably pregnant". I had a hard time believing at first, but then I started to notice some of the symptoms and think that maybe they had a point.

Not to mention that I'm really excited to get pregnant at this point and time, and got off my birth control about a month and a half ago so I could do that. So yesterday I finally gave in and bought a test; just a dollar store test--I did have something that looked like a period so I didn't want to spend $8 just for a negative result. I took the test this morning and it came out negative. I'm disappointed, but I probably really shouldn't be seeing as how I only got off BC a short time ago AND had a period a week ago. Stupid, stupid, stupid me to think I was pregnant. Well, back to the drawing board and trying to drown out that baby-wantin' feeling with some crafting...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Looking For A Sewing Machine...

Well, my sewing machine is dead. That means I'm going to need a new one. Frankly, I'm not that enthusiased to have another one, but in order to make my pillows and stuffies it's a necessity. I didn' t like my old sewing machine much in the first place--it kept jamming and never really sewed correctly no matter how hard I tried to fix it.

Anyhow, I'm looking for either an industrial-strength machine or an older sewing machine (one that has all metal parts inside of it). I'll really take anything right now except a brand new machine--I was told I would have to spend $600 on a quality new one, so I don't want to waste the money on a new one. If you know where I can get one, let me know. I'm willing to buy one you may not be using as well!